
How To Use Feminine Power To Influence A Man

What if I told you that it is not your looks or your charisma that showtime attracts a human to you – just your feminine free energy?

In today'southward article, we will hash out what feminine energy is and why information technology often becomes suppressed in the 21st Century. Today I will give you lot techniques for enhancing your feminine energy and increasing sexual polarity. I will besides describe how feminine energy inside of a relationship works and how yous can use it to raise your relationship. If yous are unmarried, I will explain how you can use your feminine energy to attract a good man.

Introduction to feminine free energy

In the current solar day and age, nosotros are bombarded by images of beautiful women. It is easy to compare. Lodge has led united states to believe that in order to attract a practiced man yous need to be physically beautiful.

This is in fact not the case. Men are actually attracted to women because of their divine feminine energy. This is due to the influence and power of sexual polarity. Polarity essentially means opposites. In terms of allure, this means that the divine feminine is attracted to the divine masculine, and vice versa. A woman embodying the sacred feminine will exist operating from her feminine power. This makes her very attracted to a man with stiff male energy.

Therefore it is not how a woman looks or dresses that makes her stand out from the crowd. Rather it is her feminine qualities and her feminine traits.

Feminine energy tin seem similar quite an abstract, airy concept at offset. When nosotros accept a closer wait, even so, nosotros volition see that actually the concept of feminine vs masculine energy both inside and outside the context of a human relationship makes perfect sense.

What is feminine energy?

Stripped down to its most fundamental and basic cadre, feminine free energy is love. The feminine rests in the energy of beloved, whilst the masculine rests in the energy of consciousness.

The feminine is the Mother. She is the creator, giver, and bearer of life. The feminine is the carer, the maternal effigy who loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

A feminine woman is dynamic, flowing, and always moving. This adult female said to exist in her feminine is in a state of flow. This can even exist reflected in the way that she dresses. Think of clothing that is said to be feminine. Usually, information technology is draping, soft, and flowing – just like feminine free energy.

Imagine the image of the Virgin Mary holding babe Jesus. The gentle wait in her eyes, the overflowing unconditional love for her child. Those soft, flowing drapes of her white and blue robes. The Virgin Mary is a perfect representation of the archetype of the feminine.

A woman who is truly embodying her feminine essence is a woman who is following her heart.

She is acutely intuitive, walking into the unknown with complete faith. Her essence is one of divine femininity and she surrenders to the infinite possibilities of life. She creates. Through her creativity she expresses emotion and omits Goddess free energy – Shakti energy.

She is dynamic and moves between emotional states chop-chop and often without warning or explanation. Her emotionality makes her soft, feeling and full of pity.

feminine energy

Personality traits associated with feminine free energy

Both men and women have masculine and feminine energy within them. Usually, a person tends to lean more towards one side than the other.

A woman with more feminine aspects to her personality will embody more of the sacred feminine energy.

On the other hand, a woman with more masculine qualities volition embody more of the sacred masculine energy.

Neither is correct or wrong, BUT in terms of sexual polarity and harmonious relationships, women should be more than feminine whilst men should be more masculine.

How to know if you're operating from your feminine or masculine side? Information technology depends on your approach to life and the qualities of your personality.

Masculine energy traits are: presence, confidence, logic, ration, security, honesty, trustworthiness , reliability, achieving, dominant.

Wounded masculine traits are: controlling, giving, ambitious, defensive, competitive and unstable.

Feminine energy traits are: dynamic, flowing, receptive, open, intuitive, trusting, creative, passive, authentic, caring, vulnerable and supportive.

Wounded feminine traits are: insecure, needy, co dependent, unstable, overly emotional.

Feminine energy vs masculine energy and polarity

Sexuality expert David Deida describes how feminine energy is centered around values such every bit honey, kindness, and partnership. Contrastingly, masculine energy values organization, structure, routine, achievement, and rigidity. This does not hateful that all men are merely achievers and all women are simply givers of love and partnership. Human being beings are by nature multi-faceted. A human can be more in his feminine energy and a woman more in her masculine. Nosotros can too spend our lives transitioning between the 2. Usually, nevertheless, nosotros favor one or the other.

A woman who is working 10 hours a day in a busy corporate office role is probably operating from her masculine side. She could be managing a team of staff, delegating tasks, and property a lot of responsibility. This adult female is probable to exist emulating the same kind of rigid, controlling, enervating energy at dwelling house.

Of course, there is cipher wrong with this. Plenty of women boss it at work, dominate it at home, and alive happy lives.

This kind of behavior can however cause issues in a relationship.

Dialing down the masculine, turning upwards the feminine

Allow's go back to the instance of the woman higher up. It's a common realization that in order to climb the career ladder and get to the top, you might need to footstep on some toes. She might even annoy some people along the way. We don't come up to work to make friends, right?

She is emotionally uninvolved in her piece of work. Her calendar is packed out. Each week presents a new set of meetings. She conducts 1:one's with each of her squad in which she is setting tasks, working with timelines, and delegating. There are personal and team targets to run into. All of this requires a lot of system and conscientious time management. She relies on logic and method in order to get things done. A adult female like this is very much in her masculine. Logic, lodge, structure, achievement, emotional detachment, and organization are very masculine traits.

This attitude might well get her ahead in the workplace. However, if this carries over into her relationships or her dating life, it can cause issues. This adult female may exert the same level of control, logic, and leadership inside of her relationship. Inevitably this will bring tension, arguments, and a loss of romantic spark. When a woman carries the same free energy equally her partner, they will energetically repel each other and clash. If she is searching for a high-quality male partner, she is unlikely to take much success!

Why is this?! Information technology is because, in order to have the healthiest relationship and to be attractive to the best men, we demand polarity!

feminine energy

What is polarity?

The idea of polarity between a man and a woman boils down to a very basic and Universal principle. Opposites attract.

When there is polarity betwixt 2 people, nosotros feel the meeting of both yin and yang energies. In that location is mutual cooperation and remainder. Deep sexual intimacy is abundant. Sexual chemistry flows. Lovemaking is intensely passionate, steamy, and wild.

A feminine quality eg. receptive is unremarkably the contrary to a masculine quality eg. giving. In this way, a adult female with female energy and a man with male person energy volition perfectly complement each other.

A masculine homo will experience feelings of deep attraction, desire, and lust towards a feminine woman. Men can sense of taste, affect, sense, and feel this essence that she carries. He might not be able to explain the reason, simply he won't be able to go on his eyes, his listen, or his easily off her.

Inside of a relationship, when feminine free energy is counterbalanced with masculine energy there is harmony. There is flow, smoothness, and intense attraction. A fully tantric relationship relies on the polarities of masculine and feminine. The masculine is looking for that which it lacks. This is to be found inside of the feminine.

How to dial up your feminine energy to become more attractive or ameliorate your human relationship

The workplace is a hugely masculine-ascendant space. Women frequently demand to dip into their masculinity in order to be financially independent and successful. However, women tin simultaneously surrender control in their personal life. It is possible to boss information technology at work and even so show upwardly for your partner with vulnerability, sensitivity, tenderness, and love.

Is this speaking to you? Do you call back y'all could do with switching on a piffling more than feminine energy? Luckily, energy tin can never exist created or destroyed. Your feminine energy is within of y'all. You just demand to activate it. To do so, effort some of these techniques

3 techniques to dial up your feminine energy

1) Get comfortable with your emotions!

Inside of the workplace or when dealing with clients, a cold, emotionless, detached attitude is deemed most appropriate. When information technology comes to your personal life, however, you lot should leave this belief at the door.

The masculine is naturally colder and more rigid than the feminine. A masculine man is attracted to a sweet and loving, nurturing, and feminine adult female.

During a conversation with your partner, try and sink into a little more than softness and vulnerability. If yous accept had a rough day or are worried about something – tell him nigh it.

If you are meeting a homo for the get-go fourth dimension, instead of reeling off a list of your achievements and selling yourself, bear witness a piddling of your emotional intelligence. Get personal and tell your date a meaningful story about yourself instead.

2) Stop gossiping!

Recollect back to the classic of the feminine we looked at earlier – The Virgin Mary. Practise y'all call up she was 1 to gossip and talk southward**t almost people? Absolutely not. The feminine is associated with unconditional love and kindness – in that location is no identify for gossip inside of these values.

Instead of engaging with your partner or date in unkind, pointless gossip, focus on the positive, and say good things about others instead. He will definitely see you in a different lite.

3) Learn to get with the flow

This is perchance the most important and relates dorsum to one of the main qualities of feminine free energy – motility.

The masculine is stillness whilst the feminine is motion, menstruation, and dynamism.

Nothing is less attractive to a man than a woman who is rigid, decision-making, and particular-oriented. Inside of your human relationship and your dating life, try to lean away from arrangement and control. Instead, try to lean into open-mindedness, spontaneity, and seeing the bigger picture. Let go of that which you are unable to control and virtually importantly – TRUST. Later on all, the Universe has a plan for you, and so stop getting in the way and relax a little.

feminine energy


In this article, nosotros accept seen how feminine free energy works. We have seen how it tin assist to attract a good man. We have discussed how to harness our feminine energy inside of a relationship and use it to heighten polarity and restore remainder.

We take seen how feminine energy can easily become suppressed from having to spend the bulk of our lives within a very masculine-dominant workplace.

If y'all implement the advice in this article and manage to drop more into your feminine, you can better your human relationship or concenter a human being. Not merely any human being either – a high quality, masculine man who honors you, protects yous, and wants to devour y'all in bed.

If you are reading this article because y'all are in a relationship and you have lost the spark, try the to a higher place tips for revitalizing and increasing polarity. If things are even so not right between you lot, information technology could be time to accept that yous need to end the relationship and move on. If this doesn't feel like an option and you really want the relationship to work, you could suggest to your partner that he completes my costless online tantra preparation for me.

My training includes an easy, 5-pace strategy to rekindle the spark, fall in love with each other again and amp up your sex life – large fourth dimension! I spent years studying tantra on a deep level. Since then I have worked with many men and helped them to transform themselves, their relationships, and their sexual activity lives. I take compiled the most essential information inside this training. It's completely free! If yous think you and your man could do good – he can sign upward past clicking hither.


What does it mean to embrace your feminine free energy?

Moving through life with grace. Bowing to dubiousness and following intuition. Surrendering to the inner feminine ways operating from the center rather than the head.

What are sacred feminine and masculine energies?

Sacred feminine energy is the free energy of Shakti – the divine feminine. Feminine energy is receiving, creative energy. Sacred masculine energy is the free energy of Shiva. Masculine free energy is logical, rigid, undecayed and steadfast. Regardless of gender, it is possible to embody both masculine and feminine divine energy.

Feminine energy, what has that got to practise with existence a female parent?

The traits associated with the divine feminine are also those associated with motherhood. Nurturing, caring, loving, soft, open up and emotional.

What exactly is feminine free energy, and what does being feminine really mean?

Feminine energy is but the vibe yous give off. It has niggling to practise with appearance and everything to do with personality traits and qualities. Being a feminine woman means being soft, kind, emotional, dynamic and often a little unpredictable 😉

Why is the sacred feminine so important to connect to?

Connecting to the sacred feminine means that you will operate from your highest possible vibration every bit a woman. This will make your life easier and more beautiful. You will also be more bonny to masculine men.

Volition you exist taken seriously in the workplace if you apparel feminine?

It depends on the individuals effectually you.

What to practice when yous experience threatened by other women?

Remember that the women by whom you feel threatened are simply human. They are probably just every bit insecure equally y'all are.

What ways are your favorites to feel more feminine and bring more feminine energy into your own life?

Become with the period. Give up to the infinite possibilities of life. Engaging in energy work is too a great manner of bringing more feminine energy into your own life. Most women make wonderful healers. They simply need enkindling to their healing powers. Free energy piece of work brings out their nurturing, caring side.

How can you design a morning practice to cultivate feminine energy?

In that location are many yoga teachers out there giving online classes or tutorials for women'south yoga. Find someone whose energy resonates with you and take inspiration from them.

What is the near damaging masculine trait for a woman to have?

In my time equally a omnibus, the near dissentious masculine trait I have seen women embody is control. When a woman feels threatened or insecure (wounded feminine) she often wants to control her man to pull him closer. This has the opposite effect of pushing him abroad.

Steffo Shambo

Men's Human relationship Double-decker

Steffo is the founder of The Tantric Man Feel, the #one masculine mentorship program in the world. There he helps men in relationships reignite the passion to restore their marriages from the brink of divorce. And single men attract their dream women naturally with success. He's on a mission to guide men towards an intimate and meaningful relationship, and cease the state of war with their sexuality, so they tin can finally become integrated men, fathers, brothers, husbands, and leaders in the world.

"It meant a paradigm shift in life." – Patrik, Sweden
"Life-changing experience." – Antonio, Italy

How To Use Feminine Power To Influence A Man,


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