
How To Heal Infected Wound Green Hell

Dissimilar actions or events can hurt the player. When this happens, various icons can appear in a higher place the health bar of your character, indicating the corresponding injury or disease.

The following table shows Wounds & Ailments and how to handle them. Annotation that dissimilar conditions may show more than on status upshot icon. To see all status furnishings, visit HUD Display Letters.

Icon Status Effect Treatments
Inspection icon V.png Infection, Laceration, Leeches, Rash,
Scratch & Abrasion, Worms, Venom Wound
N/A Audit body for authentic information about the characters status
Infection Fever; could upshot in death if not treated Place Maggots on infected wound
Laceration Bleeding (lowers Wellness) & high chance of Infection, if not treated Sew wound with Ants, alternatively use Ash-, Goliath- or Dearest Dressing, Leafage Cast[1]
Leeches Lowers Sanity over fourth dimension, touch on depends on number of Leeches Pull leeches off body
Rash Lowers Sanity during the upshot, if not treated Employ Honey- or Lily Dressing, alternatively just await untill the event is over
Scratch & Abrasion Temporary Wellness loss Utilize Leaf Bandage [2] , Ash-, Goliath-, Tobacco-, Lily- or Honey Dressing
Worms Lowers Sanity during the effect, if not treated Pick Worms with Bone Needle or Fish Os [3]
patch wound using Leafage Bandage[2], Ash-, Goliath- or Honey Dressing
Poison icon H.png Venom Wound Fever
Lowers Health over time, if non treated
Could outcome in expiry depending on current Wellness of the role player
Use Lily- or Tobacco Dressing -4Poison icon H.png (Dressings take time to negate the effect)
Consume Painkillers -ivPoison icon H.png & -5Fever icon H.png or Lily Leaf -2Poison icon H.png
Drinkable Tobacco Brew -4Poison icon H.png or Lily Leaf Brew -4Poison icon H.png
Fever icon H.png Fever Lose Energy & Hydration faster Drink Quassia Amara Mash -15Fever icon H.png or Bone Infusion -3Fever icon H.png
Eat Painkillers -5Fever icon H.png
Alternatively fight off[four], beverage H2o & sleep

Consume Unknown Mushroom 7 -1Fever icon H.png

Vomit icon H.png Food Poisoning Lose Macroelements through vomiting Eat Water Lily -2Vomit icon H.png, Cherry Herb Leaf -2Vomit icon H.png or Charcoal -1Vomit icon H.png & -fiveHUD sanity icon.png
Drink Water Lily Brew -fiveVomit icon H.png, Bone Infusion -3Vomit icon H.png or Red Herb Foliage Brew -3Vomit icon H.png
Alternatively fight off and only drink Water to avert dehydration[5]
Sleep icon V.png Insomnia Lose Energy faster
Lowers Sanity
Sleep untill the effect wears off
ParasiteSichness icon H.png Parasites Lose Macroelements, loss rate depends on number of Parasites Eat Guanabana -iiParasiteSichness icon H.png, Bluish Mushroom -2ParasiteSichness icon H.png or Ruddy Mushroom -1ParasiteSichness icon H.png
Drink Guanabana Mash -3ParasiteSichness icon H.png or Red Mushroom Soup -2ParasiteSichness icon H.png
HUD sanity icon.png Sanity Inner voices when Sanity is equal to or lower than 40
Hallucinations[6] when Sanity is equal to or lower than 20
Stand up almost a lit fire and/or eat cooked or plant food to raise Sanity

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Notes [ ]

  1. Use of Leaf Cast has a loftier risk of Infection on Laceration Wounds.
  2. 2.0 ii.1 Use of Leaf Bandage may cause Infection when dirty.
  3. Have Bandages ready, open up wounds can become infected.
  4. Fever acquired past venom wounds only diminishes afterward the toxin effect has disappeared
  5. Eating food will crusade vomiting and thus college loss of Macroelements
  6. Hallucinations will attack the role player and cause damage, this may result in wounds. They can hands be fought throwing stones or using any weapon. Wounds caused by halluciantions occasionally disappear afterward being defeated.


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